lauantai 20. joulukuuta 2008

The Story Goes On

The razing of Canterbury is soon followed by the burning of Hastings. I also conquer and decide to keep York because the city is located strategically near the Babylonians. In the process a Great General, Michiel de Ryiter, that I had attached to one of my units is killed but such is life.

In addition to the war my other businesses are going pretty well and I am finishing many wonders: Cristo Redentor, Mount Rushmore, The Internet, Globe Theater, Apollo Program and The Three Gorges Dam. The last one of these is an interesting case because it was built in Ning-Hsia which is of size one! Apparently I had toggled the citizen automation off at some point and forgot to put it back, allowing the city to shrink because of unhealthiness or something. Surely it must have been larger at some point... I think... The city still has pretty good production values which is rather strange. Around this time I also finish researching Medicine, which enables the Environmentalism civic, which I adopt immediately, because it makes the cities healthier.

Anyway, meanwhile in the war zone I destroy Nottingham and Coventry and, much to my annoyance, find that the Babylonians have established a new city on the areas that I conquered from England! However, I cannot do anything to that at this point.

In turn 393 Churchill does something weird: he adopts the Pacifism civic. Seriously? In the middle of a war? I reward him by having my submarine sink his frigate and by capturing London. London turns out to be a pretty nice place with several wonders: Parthenon, Temple of Artemis and the Mausoleum of Maussollos. At this point the Englishmen have only one city left, on an isolated island, under the constant bombing of one of my warships. I contact Churchill who has no choice but to capitulate: England becomes my vassal state.

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